Saturday, April 23, 2005

of mishaps and OCF...

my father couldn't find his wallet on thursday. and so we had 'operation wallet'. spent the whole morning (including housemates.... thanks) looking for it and calling people up. but in the afternoon we went to the police station to make a report cause it may have dropped somewhere.
my father was quite in quite distressed. but i just kept calm though it was getting panicky.
at night... my father found it... inside the pillow cover. heh heh heh... but we already had my mother cancelled the credit cards back home.

brought my father to OCF on friday. aunty merrilyn was there. and also to the amusement of the OCFers. they were VERY eager to meet my father. haha.

on saturday, had a father-son time. advice. on working. future. home.
and then, i got locked out of the car with my father's luggage in it. thank goodness we were 3 hours before the flight. and thank you richard and shi hui for coming to my aid. drove up to walkley heights (further than prospect road) to get the spare keys. and of course after much scolding out of frustration ( hey... it was my first time) we were on our way. my father thought the airport was 1 1/2 hours away.

yeah... i do miss my father. i wasn't use to it at first. nearly teared seeing him leave. but alright.

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