Wednesday, April 27, 2005

a coke bottle?

i was sitting down one day (can't remember where) when i saw a coke bottle.
and my mind wandered.

i saw in a coke bottle. a thought.

one is like a coke bottle. inside the bottle is the good stuff (lets say it is). and when we have a lot of things happening to us, we are being shaken around. and just as the gas builds up in the coke bottle, the pressure builds up in us. and a lot it is. when the time comes for ministry or wanting to help others, you open the cap to let your heart and the love come out.

but because of the pressure, all the good stuff just splurt out and is wasted. we are rendered ineffective in our attempt to help in many bits of areas.
and from the coke bottle, the way to keep it from exploding is to open the cap and quickly close it, open the cap and quickly close it again and again to ease the pressure.

just like us, we are to pray more. have more quiet time with God. remain in solitude. cause it is through many things that healing comes, so i've learnt. we may not realise it, but it is these bits by bits that makes up the comfort and peace in the long run.

are we too pressured inside?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is pressure build-up a precursor to suffering?william, glad i read this. it's an interesting analogy all of us can apply. i believe pressure that is not released for a long time leads to suffering. froth and burn, it often can be. The 'good stuff' one has is not utilised to it's best and as you said, it is wasted. But does God waste suffering? That one day or one year we suffered from not knowing how to do something-was it a waste? We learnt so much. Others learn from us. We all learnt how better it is to avoid wasting than cleaning up the mess. Always,