Tuesday, January 13, 2009

of pews, concert and pews again...

the BersatuNite concert was held on saturday, hosted by KL Wesley. about 400-500 came. youths from the methodist church, presbytarian and baptist came. it was a time of worship and prayer for the country.

besides the preparation meetings held earlier, the whole of saturday was devoted to the physical preparation of the concert. we had to move a lot of pews to make enough open space. we started moving the pews around 9am. these are the old church pews and the whole things is solid wood. and sadly, the people that were suppose to turn up, didn't turn up or by the time they came, the few of us were finished already. about 8 people moved 40 pews. we laboured about 2 hours plus. thankfully, no hot sun. we needed to cover the pews with cling wrap just in case it rained (it did later). i guess i understand the characteristics of the cling wrap better now. the sun came out then.

the marble floor of the church sanctuary really stood out. a wide white marble space. i just lie down in the middle. juwita suwito and her team were doing sound check in the sanctuary. and it was pretty nice having music and just relaxing on the cool floor.

but i was really blasted away. after lunch and a shower, i slept straight from 2.30 till 5.30pm. already lacking in sleep in the weekdays, pushing the body has its consequences. woke up later and went for prayer and counsellors briefing.

the concert is a worship concert and it was lead by the TRAC youth team and later by Juwita. things started out a bit messy because no one knew what was happening. but as the programme rolled, the atmosphere calmed down as worship started. we prayed for the country and for the youths in the country. the worship was powerful and could really feel, see, hear the earnestness in their hearts.

the not-so-fun part started after the concert. putting the pews back because of the church service on sunday. people were still mingling around and we had no choice but to start. so i lead a few guys to start carrying the pews. well, they were in a slight shock after the first pew (uphill) cause of the weight. and as we carry, more people came to help and i bet they got a shock too. and the amount of people that helped? i dunno... but we finished the whole thing in 45 minutes; including putting back the hymnals and bibles.

well i was tired already and i thought this time i could lay off a bit because i carried in the morning. but after they carried their 4th (or first) pew, their spirits were a bit down. and since i was doing the 'organizing', got to set the example. so i had to keep carrying the pews as much as i could and when they see the 'head' carrying pews at such speed, they followed suit.

yeah.. pews took much of the post instead of the concert. my hands are still sore today because of the constant solid edges of wood on my hands.

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