Wednesday, January 19, 2005


came back and started reading again. looked for books to read. and so far, these are the few books that i read in a few weeks.

finished chok's 'Star Wars : Shadows of the Empire'. trust the Force? haha... trust God man...

finished reading 'Of God and Men' by A.W. Tozer. suppose to return it for yvonne to the OCF library when OCF starts again. it's quite an old book but many of the messages are so relevant. where have the Men of God gone?

finished 'The Case for Christ' by Lee Strobel for the dunno how many times already. the brilliant scholars and acadamieans. standing scrutiny and providing evidence. i better not try and look for my 'The Case for Faith' or i'll be stuck again to it.

now reading 'The Secret of Loving' by Josh Mcdowell. if you're just reading it, it will be fast. but if thinking deeper, well, its takes quite long cause a lot can be thought deeply within its lines. a lot of linkage to experiences that we have been through or have seen. pretty interesting though cause most of it was quite focused on being a couple already. but nevertheless, its is still applicable for your 'neighbours' and of course, the future.

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