Tuesday, January 11, 2005

barbequed angel at 40C

well, monday 36 celcius and today 40 celcius.

the air was super hot and the sun, really shines through you. even when i was cycling, my brake handle and the frame just grew hot under the sun (from mackinnon parade to uni). the air was super dry as well.

the wind was really strong. had really strong resistance while cycling. hot wind. breathing through the nose, hurts the nose and insides (can feel it burning). breathing through the mouth doesn't make it better but makes your throat dryer and sore.

got it before, but this ones worse. a new experience.

downstairs of the house is cooling. but with the doors closed to keep the hot air out, it does get stuffy. but upstairs is really hot. after sitting down for a few minutes, your body will radiate heat also. you need the fan constantly on yourself. and this is not even the middle of summer!!!

alright alright... think, think... it is better than bathing in winter... it is better than bathing in winter...

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