Monday, November 08, 2004


well, had my knock out. was so tired. my focus of objects was also shaky. seriously had to sleep.

but before my exam this morning. i had lots of people smsing me. i was like, 'huh? another?'. but i'm really grateful for the support and care and concern of others. felt really touched, especially when going through that period of time. i had no idea what to feel. scared, or brave, or calm, or quick! give that last minute of study, or to claim victory, or to be confident. (hmm... must be thinking too much, but that was how i felt).

my father also said that if i still didn't feel too good, i can still call back anytime before my exam, if i still need comfort and encouragement. the support that i need.


'God allows life to be rocky. Stumbling blocks or stepping stones? You decide... May you be able to rise to the challenge.'
- Handy Goh No

'Hope is not a granted wish or a favour performed. It's far beyond that. It's a crazy and unpredictable dependence on a God who loves to suprise us. God bless! :)'
- Lai Kuan

'Keep perspective.'
- Danny Wong

'Romans 12:1-2. All the best for today. Give it your best! Hugs. -G-
-Gillian Foo

i really thank the many who supported me. it's something close to my heart.

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