Monday, November 15, 2004

it is finished...

i have sat for my last paper today.
it is over.

i have sat through 3 papers, though having so much fear. i know that i didn't go through this alone. it was with God's strength that i was able to go through all of that. i thank God, for calming my heart, granting me peace of mind, surrounding me with love and support from others.

i recently heard, that if you are going to sit for a paper, and you think you can't, there is an option under the compassion condition (to sit for supplementary papers) that you can tick. one of the compassion conditions can be on the basis because you have failed the previous papers and is too traumatised to sit for a paper again. i didn't know it was such big a thing till it's even put under compassion. i know i could relate to it.

i guess i never knew what i was facing. i never will cause i can't look into the future. all the more i should trust God to lead me. the months ahead, the years ahead. it will come. it's a matter of whether i am walking with God or not.

a valley may have ended, but the journey still continues...

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