Monday, July 30, 2012

of drill and encouragement...

marching for hours under the hot sun week after week. having to be alert to the same commands over and over again. needing to be focused and not being able to move. torturous. Drill. and we're not even counting in the push-ups for punishments (fortunately GB does not have that).

after many weeks, we'll get tired physically, mentally and emotionally. things will start to break down. it gets even worse if there doesn't seem to be much progress or there is so much more to do. it is very common. what do you do in such circumstances? how do you rest together as a group when time is already lacking? would making time to rest or calling a time off in practices lead to slacking?

different groups, different dynamics. assessing the situation, a little break would do some good :) a little surprise was in store for the squad. was glad it lifted their spirits. heard that they had lots of fun sitting around and laughing together with the surprise Chatime. even came up with a 1st KL cheer.

drill is more than marching under the hot sun. working together as a team, training focus in spite of obstacles, preparation.

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