Saturday, August 04, 2012

World Religions: a different perspective...

had classes in STM again. the 3rd module for the year: World Religions. i thought it was just going to be a factual lecture which will be deeper than what we learn in school or doing surface research. the lecturer has a heart for missiological studies (and i would say a gifting). besides facts, he also taught the heart and spiritual principles behind each religion. [disclaimer: below is typed from thoughts in class. i haven't done my assignment yet, so some things may be typed or worded wrongly.]

on neutral observation, how has the western mindset westernized Christianity? observe the style of evangelism where it is a vocal and open intellectual debate, of black and white, of modernity and consumer influenced. compared to the hospitality of eastern culture and acceptance of each other's thoughts and beliefs. to hit it right at the spot, Buddhists are more acceptant of others than the western influenced Christianity.

in a western mindset, exercising (physical) is separate from acts of spirituality. for the eastern teaching, exercise and spirituality is together; tai-chi, qi gong. chinese medicine is linked to the bodies spirituality. there is no division. spirituality and lifestyle is inter-twined deeply. which causes difficulties in pointing out what is a yes and a no. taking out ancestral worship is taking out filial piety. it is not just about combating the spiritual worship. the lecturer was saying, it is never easy and one of his main advice, is always spiritual discernment.

when we enter a temple, we enter a place of serenity, a place of peace, a place of calmness to meditate and reflect upon one's spirituality. it is taken seriouly in piousness and dedication in meditation and prayer. compared to a westernized environment, we enter a place that must have a Wow! factor or we won't be satisfied. how often and how long do we spend time in prayer and meditation?

for the Hindu caste system, it is a principal where everyone has their place in life as they go through the circle of reincarnation. in the belief of reincarnation, they would reincarnate into a few types of forms depending on their previous life's behaviour. it is on the principal of the world being in balance, the structure of life and acceptance of their place in life.

this is only a small part of what we were learning. facts and information, yes, but more importantly learning the heart and principles behind it all. i have to admit it is quite terrible how western culture has influenced us of treating things as black and white, what more the influences of the scientific thinking which makes us look at a lot of stuff as ridiculous if it doesn't fit into it. there are a lot of things we can learn from.

it was also great to able to visit ronald and family. spend time with their kids and also just have fun in a homey environment. pasar malam, ice age 4, jusco 2, home made pork burgers.

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