Sunday, May 10, 2009

full day...

26th april...
and i thought nothing would beat one of the sundays i had last time. but i found the record breaker. this sunday.

8.00 a.m. Masterlife Bible Study
9.30 a.m. SSS worship practise
10.00 a.m. SSS starts
11.45 a.m. Service
1.00 p.m. Lunch with pastor and small group
4.00 p.m. Evening choir practise
6.00 p.m. Organist (& pianist) for evening service
7.30 p.m. Leave for relatives house
9.00 p.m. Home

i do question myself why am i doing this. it was in my schedule. i just so happens that everything fell on the same sunday. its usually split up. but urgency brought it all to one sunday. so, an interesting day.

the heart for youths and music in action is what happens here. i know people will say, that's too much, be careful of burn out. yes, i hear your advice. i'm careful of that too. i know it would be a tough day and i just pray to God to sustain me through this day of service.

some may say that i'm wasting my time. what's the point? no rewards or anything. well... don't ask me, ask God.


Fannie said...

it's encouraging to "hear" of ur "action-packed" day.

when He calls you to task, He'd equip you as well.

blessings from sg..

Argentinadog said...

wow...i'm sure glad I will have someone with so much passion and commitment for youths to look up to a I grow up.

thanks for your investment of time and love for our youth, koko william..:-P