Saturday, October 15, 2011

writing again...

i can't seem to remember why i stopped writing after august. after a while, i'll remember. at least i better write down why i would start again.

with things being packed everywhere and really non-stop, i may have driven myself to the ground. i don't know. in as much as things are going well (though with mistakes), there may be an underlying area of directionless that is not addressed.

have to find time and grounds to be pausing and reflecting, whether it is just the silence that i need or the time i need with God.

maybe the writing have aiding me through the years to be pausing and reflecting on God and if it helps, i better pick it up again.

ahh.. now i remember why. i stopped because of busy-ness and also cause it was difficult to be writing about things especially when it is about the people that i am working with, or the people that i am ministering to, or the difficulties and struggles that i am facing. so if there's any reflections on that, i can't really write it out.

got to let it be balanced... let every word be edifying...

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