Wednesday, November 11, 2009

further away...

OCF convention seems to be getting further and further away... sigh...

it pains me. i miss it. it would be nice if i can make it. but not having enough leave and being the camp commander for a coming camp at the same time does not leave any space or time for a breather at all. many things are clashing and december is always one of those headache months where so many things are happening and everything is coming one after the other and time to rest is hard to find.

keeping the focus is one thing i have to keep my eyes on. i can't do everything and have to choose wisely. what is important and the limits of my time and body. sacrifices would be here and there.

a simple thing of kneeling and pray sustains me. i am amazed cause i myself do overlook its power as well. it does not supercharge me like an energy boost, but it sustains me to live on each day.

i also start going through a bible study material on prophets. danny gave it to me 2.5 years ago for my birthday. learning about Samuel, Elijah and at the moment, Elisha. its amazing to see how they went through their lives. i always thought they were just people who prophesize...

but the bible study taught me that they were humans with hearts that ache for the people too. life was tough as they try to speak to the people and help them, but many things go against them. and amidst all of it, they were always going and living in faith even though it was very testing. through their lives, they ministered to others with miracles.

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