Wednesday, September 07, 2005


i'm awake early again. woo hoo!
but i had a little mess on monday night. slept late which is 11pm so i was messed up a bit. but it seems good now.

postings have been really slow lately. i wonder why. but nevermind that.
these past few weeks, there are a few things that i point myself to remember.

1) the importance of prayer - praying and talking to God in silence and in prayer.
2) the importance of wisdom - many things we don't understand but we do not see the effects till we are in it. the difference of short-term and long-term.
3) the importance of memorizing scripture or bible verses - the importance of holding them close to your heart.
4) seeking God first - just as how King David was a 'man after God's heart'.

went to the showground on sunday after church. it was fun. to see the games and the rides. i went there to get my coca-cola bag. haha... the dogs there were cool. and please don't remind me that i got kissed by a dog. apparently, the female husky fell in love with me.

tuesday the whole BS group attended ee ling's graduation. gold colour for psychology. a whole new chapter in front of her. may God continue to guide you, dear friend.
then i cycled to koorong to get 2 books. 'Recapture the Wonder' by Ravi Zacharias and 'Desiring God' by John Piper.
Recapture the Wonder was only $10.00 and Desiring God was $20. but i just bought Recapture, finding the language and style pretty clicking to my brain. i browsed through Desiring God but felt that it would be later that i read it. it's pretty thick with concentrated info.

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